CD12 Follicle Check!

We had our follie check this morning and we are looking good for Monday! I have 3 follicles measuring 13.5-14mm (2 on the right and 1 on the left) so we're going to let them keep growing and plan for 1 more u/s and hopefully a trigger on Monday with a Tuesday IUI!

I'm relieved to know everything is OK and we're not out of time and I don't need to panic! (I had taken 2 OPKs mid day and evening yesterday that were MUCH fainter then the CD10 OPK I took, so I was getting worried that I'd already surged! I took one last OPK last night at 8:30 after holding it for 3 hours and not drinking much and that test line was almost identical to the one I had on CD10, so at that point we figured we were ok, but its very reassuring to KNOW we still have a couple days and things are looking pretty good so far!)

My lining is at a 7mm which he said was thin, but for me that's pretty good and we still have 3 more days before we trigger, so it should thicken a little more (my lining was only a 7.5-8mm a couple days before we transferred with Fiona). He seemed pretty happy with everything he looked at, and said my tubes looked good.

I am feeling so POSITIVE about this cycle coming together, and so EXCITED to get the ok to trigger!

My ovaries were not happy with the poking and prodding and have been achy ever since we left the doctor's office. We were both pretty dang happy to hear there are 3 maturing follicles growing right now, and would love to see 2 or 3 at an 18-20+mm on Monday morning. The hcg trigger will help mature them and cause most or possibly all of the mature follicles to rupture and release an egg if there is one in there so we're feeling good about our chances for a pregnancy!!

I asked Vicki if we should try Miracle Grow to help the eggies along!! Hee hee! :D She offered cow manure... :D

I am so thankful that she is willing to do all that driving and come all that way to be at the appointments, I love having that time together to chat, plan, dream, laugh, and complain about how long they make us wait! It's truly fantastic to share each step of this with her!! :)

And for fun, here's the OPK tests as of last night. I'll go back to once daily testing and probably add in the digis on Saturday or Sunday. I'm still hoping the fertility monitor kicks into gear and gives me a "high" reading soon too!


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