Waiting for the news today

I had my blood draw this morning, and am waiting on the news - but my period started today after 2 days of spotting... I assume I had a chemical and that the number will be lower today...

I am just so sad for T&I... I am glad to finally have some closure, I guess, after all of our cycling ups and downs, and finally getting to transfer and hoping for the best... not how I'd hoped it would end... We knew this would be the last shot, but I still want to confirm that with them and make sure they are ready to move on.

If they are, then I am ready to move on as well and pursue TS which has been on my heart for so long now, since the day Fiona was born... I don't know for sure what's next for me, but I know I very much want to help at least one more couple achieve their dreams of parenthood...

UPDATE: The beta came back at less than 1, fully negative today. The NC said she wouldn’t classify it as a chemical, but speculated that maybe one of the embryos tried to stick around for a day or two, just long enough to cause a small spike in hcg before it left my system again… I sent my IPs an e-mail with my heart on my sleeve. I thought about calling them all afternoon, but there was so much to say I went ahead and wrote today. I’m sure we’ll talk soon. My thoughts are with them…


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