Apple Coleslaw

Here is another coleslaw variation to mix up with your fall apples for something a little different, and a little sweeter! My sister really liked this on her fish sandwich, and I think it would be excellent with a nice pulled chicken or pulled pork BBQ sandwich - or serve alongside any dish you enjoy coleslaw with.

We are entering the final week of Lindsey's 2nd full year of life - she turns 2 on the 17th of September, and we'll be doing a small celebration for her over the weekend. I'm going to make some of her favorite finger foods and some minion Twinkie cupcakes which I know she will have fun with! I bought her a party dress months ago with a minion theme, and can't wait to see her in it. I'm hoping to get out and do some birthday pictures with her this weekend; weather cooperating. Fingers crossed.ļ»æ

Life has been a little upside down and inside out lately - but my kiddos keep me grounded and focused. I am so thankful for each day with them, watching them learning and growing and developing into their own personalities. Despite all the imperfections, I kind of love life right now. I know I've made my fair share of mistakes and handled situations less than perfectly - but honestly I am doing the best that I can do and I choose to forgive myself for the mistakes I make, try to learn from them, and move on. I choose to find joy and happiness in all the little moments. Like the other night, carrying Lindsey up the steps to her bath and she was hugging me and patting me and saying "awww, I nice." Yes, baby girl, you are nice and mama loves you SOOO much! (When I tell Lindsey I love her she says "too" for I love you too - melt my heart!)

Apple Coleslaw from on AllRecipes

1 16-oz bag shredded cabbage and carrots, coleslaw mix
1 apple - peeled (if desired), cored and grated
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon brown sugar
2 teaspoons white vinegar
1 tablespoon pineapple juice (optional)
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1 dash salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper

  1. Place the coleslaw mix in a bowl with the sliced apple  and toss to combine. In a separate bowl, stir together the honey, brown sugar, vinegar, pineapple juice, and mayonnaise until the honey and sugar have dissolved completely. Pour over the salad, and toss to coat. Season with salt and pepper (to taste), and toss again. Cover and chill until ready to serve.



  1. Looks delicious Rebekah and continue to be good and forgiving of deserve nothing less.

    1. <3 Thank you so much Wendy - I appreciate your kind words more than you know. :)


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