Samoas Milkshake
This is the third and final cookie milkshake my son and I taste tested this past weekend. We were curious how this one would come out. How would a samoa cookie, with its delicious but distinctly different layers, translate into a blended drink? The answer is yummy!
The first thing I tasted was a hint of coconut, with a little bit of a caramel and chocolate flavor at the back. It is light, creamy, and absolutely delicious!
We both gave this one a big thumbs up - if you're a fan of Samoas, definitely give this one a try. If you're a big coconut fan, add some toasted coconut to the top as well!
Samoa Milkshake
6 Samoa cookies
4 scoops vanilla ice cream
1 cup milk
1/2 a Samoa cookie rough chopped
2 - 3 TBS homemade whipped cream
drizzle of caramel sauce
- Blend milkshake ingredients together in a blender; add additional milk or ice cream if needed to achieve desired consistency.
- Top with a dollop of whipped cream and a sprinkle of chopped cookie. Serve and enjoy immediately.

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