GS Journey ~ Your Pregnancy: 6 Weeks (and Beta Update)
GS #3 6 Weeks Pregnant
How Q and Y's baby is growing:
This week's major developments: The nose, mouth, and ears that you'll spend so much time kissing in eight months are beginning to take shape. If you could see into your uterus, you'd find an oversize head and dark spots where your baby's eyes and nostrils are starting to form. His emerging ears are marked by small depressions on the sides of the head, and his arms and legs by protruding buds. His heart is beating about 100 to 160 times a minute — almost twice as fast as yours — and blood is beginning to course through his body. His intestines are developing, and the bud of tissue that will give rise to his lungs has appeared. His pituitary gland is forming, as are the rest of his brain, muscles, and bones. Right now, your baby is a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil.
GS#2 6 Weeks Pregnant
It is a funny thing, going back and rereading my words from my previous GS pregnancies. So many things that are practically identical to how I'm feeling at the same point in my current pregnancy. This pregnancy (symptoms wise) is more on par with how I felt with the twins in terms of the symptoms coming and going, and the increased hunger. I'm not used to getting so hungry so early on, but that's how things are shaping up this round. I don't eat a ton more then I used to, I'm just needing more frequent small meals / snacks. I'm already having to pack my lunch box very differently then I was a week or two ago. An apple or orange, cheese stick, yogurt, cottage cheese with pineapples, and a Luna bar are often the snacks that disappear during the day after a light breakfast and a light lunch. I just ate a breakfast sandwich not even an hour ago and can feel my stomach rumbling already.
I found myself completely wiped out over the weekend. I think I have completely forgotten how tired I get early on especially with all the hormones in my system for the surrogacy - I am used to pretty much being on the go, go, go on the weekends. Not anything stressful or fast paced, but up at 6:00 - 6:30 with Lindsey, fixing breakfast, cleaning something, straightening something, cleaning the floor, making lunch, going outside with Lindsey for a walk or to play, more food, more snacks, more cleaning. That's how we spend our days on the weekends; lots of kitchen time, cleaning up, and Lindsey time. This weekend, that normal routine totally bit me in the butt and I couldn't keep up. Lindsey woke up extra early on Sunday (5:00am) and I got up with her at 5:30. By 10:00 I was a mess. I felt sick to my stomach I was so tired. Lindsey and I both went down for an early nap at 10:00 and I slept for a solid 2 hours before I started waking up; she slept for closer to 3 hours! We both needed it.
How many weeks today: 6w1d
How I am feeling: Tired, hungry, off and on queasiness / mouth watering. Most of the time ok though.
Cravings / aversions: Nothing in particular the past few days.
Baby: Size of a lentil
Baby Nickname: Passenger or Smalls
Here are the beta updates from last Thursday as well; numbers below from SMO for comparison:
SINGLETON: 310, 497, 560, 1094, 1634, 3106, 3525, 4360, 5025.17, 12203, 13091
TWINS: 8610, 9000+, 9873, 12605, 14010, 15995, 21950, 39515
TRIPS: 8047, 12619, 16298
SINGLETON: 2831, 3717, 4105, 6322, 6623, 10088, 10567, 23743
TWINS: 4870, 7100, 7648, 9674, 10996, 11063, 11170, 12166, 12032, 12725, 14320, 15385, 26999, 39937
SINGLETON: 1275, 1423, 3524, 7101, 7118, 7748, 13131, 13277, 15k+, 19256
TWINS: 2026, 14471, 18289, 45303
GS #4
10dp5dt 469
13dp5dt 2289 (doubled in 31.5 hours, or 1.3 days)
20dp5dt 18320 (doubled in 56 hours, or 2.3 days)
How does this compare to my previous surrogacies:
12dp3dt 605
14dp3dt 1183 (doubled in 49.6 hours or 2.1 days)
19dp3dt 9151 (doubled in 40.7 hours or 1.7 days)
12dp3dt 110
16dp3dt 519 (doubled in 42.9 hours or 1.8 days)
23dp3dt 5129 (doubled in 50.8 hours or 2.1 days)
12dp3dt 198.1
14dp3dt 388.5 (doubled in 49.5 hours or 2.1 days)
17dp3dt 1264 (doubled in 42.3 hours or 1.8 days)
The doubling time definitely slowed down into the singleton range, but the number is still very high up in the twin range. We have our first ultrasound tomorrow morning and can't wait to see how things look and if we can see a tiny heartbeat!
