Cautiously optimistic!!

Well, maybe not so cautiously, but I’m trying to stay cautious and hold off on being too excited yet!! Today we had a GOOD appointment!! Dr. Kaplan was happy with how things look – a 6mm lining, and a grade B+ on CD9. I start follistem tomorrow and take 3 doses with another check on Saturday. She’d like to get one of my follicles to a 13 and then trigger me and transfer shortly after (if my lining continues to cooperate), so we’re talking a little over a week from now if my mental calculations are correct…

I am so happy to be with this clinic , it feels SO different to have your monitoring done by the doctor who’s doing the decision making, and the nurses are great… I just all around feel so much more relaxed about this cycle and the people we’re working with.

I turned in my consent forms today, so I think they finally have everything they need from me – there are still a couple things I think they need from T&I, but they’re working on those. All in all this was a good appointment, and I feel great today! Really hopeful for the next appointment… crossing my fingers that Saturday we get the “ok” and can move forward.

Also, my acupuncture yesterday was fantastic. I really enjoyed the appointment and will be making another one for either this Friday or next Monday.


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