Lindsey is 11 months old!

A "behind the scenes" shot - Kenneth grabbed the camera and Lindsey tried to give me big slobbery kisses. :)

Lindsey's 11 month fun facts!
  • Lindsey now has 8 teeth - 4 on top and 4 on bottom.
  • Lindsey primarily feeds herself, finger foods only. She likes smacking things with a spoon, and sometimes tries to pick food up and put it on the spoon but isn't quite getting it to her mouth without assistance....
  • She is a very good eater, and even if it takes a few tries, she will usually eat most anything I give her to taste. She still spits out cucumber and tomato though, even though she used to eat them.
  • She has gotten more snuggly the past couple weeks, she comes up and gives big hugs and big open mouthed kisses with big grins which is about the sweetest thing in the entire world. She knows what "kisses" means, and if she's in the right mood she'll give them when you ask.
  • She has started saying "bro bro" (brother) "ba ba" (bottle) and "bye bye" and they almost all sound the same.
  • She loves Max, but she still doesn't really understand petting gently and gives him excited whacks on the face. Thank goodness he's a very laid back, good natured dog who accepts attention in any form, wags his tail, and gives her kisses in return.
  • She has finally gotten into an actual sleep schedule as of the past couple weeks. Down to sleep around 7:00pm and wakes up around 6:30 (when we wake her up on week days) or 7:00 - 7:30 (on weekends).
  • She still loves watching her "bear movie" (aka Brave) on the weekends, and laughs at the action scenes.
  • Her giggle melts me.
  • She is taking real steps now, in the past week in particular she's really making a ton of progress with walking. It is exciting, terrifying, and sad all at once.
  • She is now wearing size 18 month clothing.
  • I could not love her anymore if I tried.
I cannot believe my little baby girl is going to be ONE is one more short month... how the days have flown! It is such a joy to watch Lindsey growing, and so hard to be away from her all day during the week. I have such little time with her on week days - by the time I pick her up from daycare I have anywhere from 45 minutes - 2 hours before she is asleep for the night, and often times she is tired and cranky while she is still awake after her long day at daycare (where she still pretty much refuses to nap because of all the stimulation). I wish so much that I could be enjoying these days at home with her, helping her practice walking, singing songs, dancing, teaching her words, and rocking her to sleep for naps. Sigh. It is hard to let go of the "I wish" when it comes to watching your baby grow and feeling like you're missing out on so much. Maybe it's because I was able to share these early days with Kent that I feel that much more sad to miss them with Lindsey. They are such precious moments.

I try to just soak up as much of those moments with her on the weekends as I can, and be thankful for the time I do get.

Her birthday party is coming up soon! I am looking forward to it, and can't wait to celebrate her big day - and see what she does with a cupcake!! :)


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