Our Pregnancy: 21 Weeks!
The week has gotten away from me completely! Time is totally flying by and I can't keep up - but I was expecting things to pick up this month so I'm as prepared to be unprepared as I can be! :D
I got to SEE a kick from the outside for the first time last night and that was awesome! It was, of course, from very active Baby "B" on the left hand side who does most of the acrobatics that we get to enjoy during ultrasounds.
I took belly pictures last night, but our internet was out (it was raining and apparently our internet doesn't like storms any more than our Basset hound does!) so I will have to hope it's back online when I get home this evening so I can upload it then! I am feeling HUGE!! Kent told me last night I look almost as big now as I did right before I delivered last time... sigh. I warned him I have a LONG way to go - and then last night I slathered on a ton of lotion and sent up a prayer for my skin to stretch as kindly as possible in the coming months! :)
According to BabyCenter this week:
I am not very comfortable in most of the thin elastic banded maternity pants anymore, they cut into my ever expanding stomach funny and the only ones that are really comfortable are the secret belly panels, so I may pick up a couple pairs of slacks for work if I get a chance to go shopping this weekend (I have "comfy pants" for home and a pair of maternity jeans that work well, just no "work pants" with that type of belly panel). Kent's birthday party is Saturday and he has a friend spending the night who'll stay with us through Sunday mid-day so this is going to be another busy weekend for sure! I finally booked his party but still have to call and order the cupcakes today. So many little details floating around my brain that I have been really struggling to stay on top of! Thank goodness for lists...!
I got to SEE a kick from the outside for the first time last night and that was awesome! It was, of course, from very active Baby "B" on the left hand side who does most of the acrobatics that we get to enjoy during ultrasounds.
I took belly pictures last night, but our internet was out (it was raining and apparently our internet doesn't like storms any more than our Basset hound does!) so I will have to hope it's back online when I get home this evening so I can upload it then! I am feeling HUGE!! Kent told me last night I look almost as big now as I did right before I delivered last time... sigh. I warned him I have a LONG way to go - and then last night I slathered on a ton of lotion and sent up a prayer for my skin to stretch as kindly as possible in the coming months! :)
According to BabyCenter this week:
How Jenn and Chad's babies growing:As of our ultrasound at the perinatologists last Thursday, the babies are weighing in at about 14 ounces and 16 ounces - doubling exactly from the estimates a month ago! They look perfect and the peri was very happy with how things are going so far! My cervix is holding up nicely and my weight gain is on track.
Your baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long ā the length of a carrot. You may soon feel like she's practicing martial arts as her initial fluttering movements turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. You may also discover a pattern to her activity as you get to know her better. In other developments, your baby's eyebrows and lids are present now, and if you're having a girl, her vagina has begun to form as well.
I am not very comfortable in most of the thin elastic banded maternity pants anymore, they cut into my ever expanding stomach funny and the only ones that are really comfortable are the secret belly panels, so I may pick up a couple pairs of slacks for work if I get a chance to go shopping this weekend (I have "comfy pants" for home and a pair of maternity jeans that work well, just no "work pants" with that type of belly panel). Kent's birthday party is Saturday and he has a friend spending the night who'll stay with us through Sunday mid-day so this is going to be another busy weekend for sure! I finally booked his party but still have to call and order the cupcakes today. So many little details floating around my brain that I have been really struggling to stay on top of! Thank goodness for lists...!
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