Our pregnancy: 18 weeks

18 weeks! Half-way mark to 36 weeks, first major "term" milestone in my head for these two (yes, I realize 37 is "full term", but if they won't let us go past 38 weeks with twins, it seems full term for twins should be a little sooner!) I cannot wrap my head around the fact that very possibly we are half way through this pregnancy already, and if not today we will be by next week... I am still feeling really good pretty much most of the time - I nap most days for about an hour and take it easy at least one day each weekend, most evenings are pretty low key too but as long as I do plenty of "taking it easy" in my off time I feel great! No real aches or pain, no extreme fatigue, no queasiness. I'm feeling little tiny baby "bumps and nudges" still - it hasn't really picked up much yet and I'm ready for it too! I can't wait to feel real kicks and rolls - not just these super tiny (but still so sweet!) little thumps where I stop and wait to see if it will happen again to make sure I wasn't just imagining it! :)

I did really over-do it on Sunday though - Kent and I met up with our good friend Sherry at Six Flags for our annual "Fright Fest" visit! I was pregnant last year when we went too, so I already knew there was literally NOTHING I am allowed to ride or do, but I enjoy walking the park and seeing Kent have a great time and getting to take lots of good pictures!! The weather was absolutely gorgeous and the crowds weren't bad at all. I ate every 3 hours or so and stayed hydrated with lots of fluid and felt pretty much great all day! I got tired once or twice and my feet were getting sore by the end of the day but otherwise I really felt just fine and was kind of amazed at how well I seemed to have held up! My opinion changed dramatically when I woke up Monday morning and felt like I couldn't walk. My bones ached from my hips down through my shins. I've never felt anything like that before. I was stiff and achy and so sore. I stayed on the couch most of the day and soaked in a warm bath hoping that would help loosen things up. Today is definitely better than yesterday, but I'm still really, really stiff. I know in pregnancy hormones cause joints to start loosening up but it seems that shouldn't happen 'til much later in a pregnancy - I think once again I've been reminded that my "playbook" from previous pregnancies has gone out the window and this is a whole new ball game! No contractions or pain that seems directly related to the babies which is good - but man, my legs are a mess and probably will need a few more days to feel back to normal! Definitely not going to start any long walks again any time soon! Maybe short 30 minute walks on the treadmill or some prenatal yoga but I think that's about as much activity as it appears I can handle going forward.

So, what does BabyCenter say is happening this week?

How Jenn and Chad's babies are growing:

Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and she weighs almost 7 ounces. She's busy flexing her arms and legs ā€” movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. Her blood vessels are visible through her thin skin, and her ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from her head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around her nerves, a process that will continue for a year after she's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.
We have an OB appointment tomorrow AM and some labwork then countdown to the next ultrasound at the peri's in two more weeks! :)


  1. Gosh, I bet you were tired after walking around 6 Flags! Take it easy girlie, you're right, it's not the same as previous pregnancies! :) Congrats on 18 weeks!

  2. So sweet! Pregnancy is such a special time in your life. It always gave me such a sense of purpose- that realization that my body is actually made to do this one thing. Truly amazing!


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