Our pregnancy: 17 weeks
We already know the babies weigh about 6 and 7 ounces each according to our ultrasound last Friday, but here's what else BabyCenter says is going on this week:
This is most likely going to be a relatively "quiet" week, not much coming up that I know about. I have a chiro/massage appointment scheduled for today which I am always excited about and get to pick up my Farmer's Market Basket this evening! I haven't picked one up in awhile and can't wait to see what all will be in this one, then incorporate all the fresh goodies into our daily meals! I think we definitely eat healthier when I make a point to pick up the baskets on a regular basis.
Kent and I are working on planning out his upcoming birthday party, in a little less than a month, and then counting down to Thanksgiving and getting to visit with Kenneth for a few days! I can't believe October is more than half way over, and it's only 2 weeks 'til Halloween... I knew the rest of the year would fly by once we hit this month, but it still never ceases to amaze me!
Editing to add in tonight's belly pic!
How Jenn and Chad's babies are growing:
I am excited to be another week closer to the "20 week" milestone and still enjoying feeling pretty good most of the time. We've had some good weather to enjoy a few out door fall activities and most days I've felt up to cooking and baking too so all is well in my world! :) I'm still just getting occasional little baby "bumps and nudges" and waiting for the kicking to commence! From the u/s I found out Baby A's (the one in the middle) has a anterior placenta (if I read what she was typing on the screen correctly!) so I don't expect to feel as much on that side as fast as I should with Baby B who's placenta is posterior.
Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord ā her lifeline to the placenta ā is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.
This is most likely going to be a relatively "quiet" week, not much coming up that I know about. I have a chiro/massage appointment scheduled for today which I am always excited about and get to pick up my Farmer's Market Basket this evening! I haven't picked one up in awhile and can't wait to see what all will be in this one, then incorporate all the fresh goodies into our daily meals! I think we definitely eat healthier when I make a point to pick up the baskets on a regular basis.
Kent and I are working on planning out his upcoming birthday party, in a little less than a month, and then counting down to Thanksgiving and getting to visit with Kenneth for a few days! I can't believe October is more than half way over, and it's only 2 weeks 'til Halloween... I knew the rest of the year would fly by once we hit this month, but it still never ceases to amaze me!
Editing to add in tonight's belly pic!
Yay Rebekah. Our Baby A also has an anterior placenta, and our Baby B also has a posterior placenta. Oddly enough, though, Baby A is the one I feel all the time! I have only felt Baby B 2 or 3 times! Glad you are doing well. You're almost to that 20-week mark!