A Farm Kind of Day!

We had a great morning! We started with the Marietta Square Farmer's Market. It was a beautiful morning and I am kicking myself for forgetting to bring my camera to take some great pictures of all the stands featuring locally grown produce, local meats, baked goods, soaps, etc. There were so many good things to see!

A few of the things we ended up bringing home:
Fat Lady - Bikini Bars
Big Daddy Biscuits - You Had Me At Bacon ā€“ Turkey Bacon Bites
Pure Bliss Organics - Naughty But Nice Bar, Appleachia Energy Bites

Happy Hogs - 1/2 slab of ribs

First we stopped at the Big Daddy Biscuit booth (which I had read about this morning when I visited the Facebook page for the Farmer's Market and saw a link to a Kickstarter Project for Big Daddy Biscuits which I was happy to support! I hope they get the funds they need to grow their business! We got to meet and pet the mascot, Daddy, who was very sweet and laid back and just enjoying the sunshine.

We peeked in a few more booths before stopping at the Fat Lady stand - LOTS of yummy baked goods and things to taste test. The bars were fantastic so we had to bring home a bag of those. I'm hoping to vacuum seal at least one of them to send to Kenneth in a goodie box! I also got the organic goodies from Pure Bliss to send to Kenneth too - they are full of good, natural ingredients and I hope he'll enjoy them and a little "local" taste of home! :)

Our freezer is empty of meats, I usually keep it pretty well stocked but we've gone through pretty much all the meat so I knew I wanted to check out one of the local farmer's and bring home a meat of some sort (we have our first meat CSA pick up in a couple days so we just need to get through until the 15th). We stopped in at Happy Hogs and Kent picked ribs to bring home! They're in the refrigerator to thaw now so we can enjoy them tomorrow hopefully. They look fantastic and I loved being able to see the pictures provided at the booth of the pigs foraging around, enjoying grass and fresh air.

We also stopped at a booth that was selling goat cheeses and had eggs. Kent petted the baby goat they had brought along (who kept trying to eat his fingers and was absolutely adorable) which I drooled over goat cheese and picked a dozen eggs to bring home.

Kent picked out a blueberry muffin from Hoboken Bread & Bagel Co. and then we headed on to our 11:30 scheduled first visit at My Dad & Me Family Farm! It was great to meet Susan and get an overview on how they do things and then get a little tour around. I could have stayed there all day, and I think Kent could have too. He was on animal overload! He had lots of dogs and kitties to pet, and we got to walk through the chicken coup and see the rabbit pens (with lots of cute baby bunnies too!) and the turkeys were there as well. We got to see the pigs and a couple calves, and the milk cows in their pasture. There was a bunch of fruits and vegetables growing, strawberries out front, lettuce in beds in the back, etc... I can't wait 'til they're ready for purchase and eating! :D They have a back porch with a deep freezer for pork and beef they sell, a couple fridges that hold the raw milk in 1/2 gallon jars, raw milk cheeses, homemade granola bars, eggs and fresh herbs as well. I went ahead and got our first 1/2 gallon of raw milk along with a granola bar and paid a deposit for 4 of their broiler birds which are on pre-order now and will be available for pick up in May! I am interested to see what Kent thinks of raw milk - I used to drink it all the time when we lived in Pennsylvania on a Dairy Farm and I remember it tasting very rich, and creamy and VERY unlike what we're used to getting from the grocery store! I hope he will enjoy it and we'll make the switch over to farm fresh eggs and milk from here on out. So thankful to have found so many great local resources for good, local, fresh, organic, humanely raised food.


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