Pineapple 101!

I am far from an expert, I'm sure but I have cut quite a few pineapples in my day! I love fresh pineapple! It is delicious and SO much better than anything you can get in a can, the texture and flavor when you get that perfectly ripe one just can't be beat. They are juicy and will give you visions of white sand beaches and deep blue waters. You may be sad when you realize you are only in your own kitchen holding a pineapple, but at least you can take a mini vacation even if it is for just a few seconds while you enjoy this fantastic tropical treat!

When I look for a ripe pineapple, I smell the bottom for a sweet scent and look for it to be at least partially brown along the bottom, and not all green on the outside. This has yet to fail me! The only time I've ever cut into one to find it overripe is when I've let it sit for more than a day or two before slicing. If you get one ripe, you should slice it within 48 hours or it can over ripen fairly quickly, at least in my experience!
I always start by cutting the top off.
Then I leave it standing and start cutting the sides away. I go back and trim up any eyes I missed.

All cleaned up and ready for dicing!

Mmmm.... fresh pineapple...
I put it back on it's bottom and cut straight down, only leaving the hardest circular core out, I include everything else.
Then I'm left with a bunch of different shaped long pineapple wedges!
I often cut these once or twice horizontally, depending on how thick they are and then dice them vertically into good sized chunks perfect for popping in your mouth and enjoying!

One average sized pineapple fills about a 6 cup Tupperware!

I didn't used to buy a lot of fresh pineapple, but when I entered the surrogacy community back in 2006 and started my research on factual and mythical ways to help ensure a successful IVF cycle, I discovered pineapple was mentioned numerous times!

There are numerous places you can find information on pineapple being linked to improving fertility:  Vitamin C ā€“ Vitamin C is an antioxidant that blocks damaging free radicals. There is plenty of Vitamin C in strawberries, citrus fruits, cherries, cantaloupe, broccoli, tomatoes, sweet peppers, mangos, kiwi, pineapple, grapes, peas, potatoes, parsley and spinach. Too much vitamin C can dry cervical mucus, so do not take over 1,000 mg a day. 
Pineapple Core For implantation

This could be an Ol'wives tale, however, many woman have conceived after eating the core of a pineapple. So it is really up to you to try it. Please follow directions, do not eat the meat of the core, just the core. A website below has been provided to tell you how to cut a pineapple.

Using Pineapple core to Assist Implantation: Pineapple contains bromelain. Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme that breaks up proteins that inhibit embryo implantation. Consuming a whole pineapple (focusing on the core as it has the highest concentration of Bromelain) during a fertility cycle can be beneficial.
Mostly anything related to IVF cycles and implantation of the embryo specifically reference bromelain.

Here are a couple threads from SurroMomsOnline where I first learned about pineapple for a surrogacy!

The mystery of McDonalds french fries, pineapple, and water!!

101 Ways to Consume Pineapple! (And a Poll)

Transfer Superstitions what are yours?

There are some fun facts for the day!! :) Now go out and enjoy some yummy fresh pineapple this summer!



  1. Thanks for posting this! I plan on getting some fresh pineapple for transfer, but I've never cut one myself before. This helps a lot! :)

  2. Enjoy your lucky yellow pineapple!! :D


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