27 Weeks - Cruising Along!
Wednesday was our 27 week mark. WOW!! Everything continues to go great. I have days where it seems like she's flipped with her back out because I don't feel too much movement (enough to not worry me though), but the majority of the days she is a squirmy little girl! Lots and lots of bumping, rolling, thumping... this morning my belly looks lopsided to me, and I'm pretty sure there's either a rear-end or a head up in my ribcage on the right!
I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do in terms of having a support person as well... I'm pretty sure Kenneth is going to be gone during delivery; if I go into labor during my 38th week that is the only way he'd be there - he's gone the month before, and at least 2 months after! My MIL has said she'd be there with me, but my son will need supervision while I'm in the hospital... anyhow, I'm hoping one of my SMO friends might be able to be there with me; we shall see! :)
We had lots of rain and overcast skies yesterday, but its supposed to be a beautiful weekend which I'm looking forward to! I just bought a maternity bathing suit off e-bay and am hoping it gets here soon; I am planning on hanging out at a pool at least a couple weekends a month during the warm weather. I know my son will really enjoy that too! Last year he asked every weekend if we could go.
My appointments are coming up in just a few more days - this coming week, so I will have more updates then!
I continue to have some lower back pain, and getting up off the couch or out of the car has become more difficult - but overall I really don't feel "huge and uncomfortable" yet. I know I've got 3 months to go, so I'm sure that time will come! I am still in amazement that in less than 3 months she should be here! I wish I had SOME idea of when I will go into labor on my own - but without really being able to use DS's delivery as an example I have no idea. I'm thinking about asking my OB if they would consider scheduling an induction at 39 weeks in my case, just so my IPs can plan on a date to be here for delivery. I'm not a big fan of inductions, and really believe in letting nature take its course - that is just one detail that has worried me; I would really hate for them to miss out if things go faster than expected once we know I'm in labor.

We had lots of rain and overcast skies yesterday, but its supposed to be a beautiful weekend which I'm looking forward to! I just bought a maternity bathing suit off e-bay and am hoping it gets here soon; I am planning on hanging out at a pool at least a couple weekends a month during the warm weather. I know my son will really enjoy that too! Last year he asked every weekend if we could go.
My appointments are coming up in just a few more days - this coming week, so I will have more updates then!
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