24 Week Ultrasound (Fetal Echo)
We had our 24 week fetal echo yesterday (Thursday) and everything looks GREAT!! Miss Munchkin was moving around and being a cutie pie, her measurements were all great for her gestational age and they guestimated her weight at 1lb 6oz. Her heart looks absolutely perfect, so no worries there! YAY!! :)
The u/s tech was super sweet and took a quick 3-D scan at the end after all the measuring, and got a GREAT picture of the baby's face, her little arm across it - she's snuggling her umbilical cord and sticking her tongue out. I may be a tad biased but I just think she's the cutest thing EVER! :)
I forwarded my IPs the pictures via e-mail and put them in the mail along with the video of the u/s this morning. Hopefully they'll get that early next week; I know they'll enjoy seeing her! She's grown so much!
I am feeling fantastic! Everything is going just fine with me. My BP was 110/70 if I remember right, and I think I've gained a little more than I would like but nothing excessive, and everything else is going great!
I'm hungry, and sleepy, and peeing a lot - all normal pregnant lady things, nothing to complain about for sure! My husband likes to tell me I'm walking like a pregnant lady now - apparently I've started to waddle a little already. Oh wonderful! :)
It just amazes me how quickly time is flying by - we're already in April, it's Easter this weekend!! This month is going to just fly by! My SIL is getting married next month, and there are 2 wedding showers coming up, next Saturday and the one after. Kenneth has a long drill in May and then goes pretty much active in June for a couple different training ops/courses. I will miss him!! But, June is still a little ways off so I'm not thinking about it too much. I think its just little countdowns that make me realize how close July 25th is! I can't believe Miss Munchkin will be HERE in a little over 100 more days! WOW!! :) I cannot wait to see her with her mommy and daddy and see the smiles on their faces! That is the day I've been dreaming about since we first started cycling... a dream come true for us all.
I have an OB appointment next Tuesday, I'm sure there won't be anything exciting to report - which is a good thing!!

I forwarded my IPs the pictures via e-mail and put them in the mail along with the video of the u/s this morning. Hopefully they'll get that early next week; I know they'll enjoy seeing her! She's grown so much!
I am feeling fantastic! Everything is going just fine with me. My BP was 110/70 if I remember right, and I think I've gained a little more than I would like but nothing excessive, and everything else is going great!
I'm hungry, and sleepy, and peeing a lot - all normal pregnant lady things, nothing to complain about for sure! My husband likes to tell me I'm walking like a pregnant lady now - apparently I've started to waddle a little already. Oh wonderful! :)
It just amazes me how quickly time is flying by - we're already in April, it's Easter this weekend!! This month is going to just fly by! My SIL is getting married next month, and there are 2 wedding showers coming up, next Saturday and the one after. Kenneth has a long drill in May and then goes pretty much active in June for a couple different training ops/courses. I will miss him!! But, June is still a little ways off so I'm not thinking about it too much. I think its just little countdowns that make me realize how close July 25th is! I can't believe Miss Munchkin will be HERE in a little over 100 more days! WOW!! :) I cannot wait to see her with her mommy and daddy and see the smiles on their faces! That is the day I've been dreaming about since we first started cycling... a dream come true for us all.
I have an OB appointment next Tuesday, I'm sure there won't be anything exciting to report - which is a good thing!!
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