~25 week OB appointment
Yesterday was my regular OB appointment, and everything is great! This little bean is very active, and the OB had a hard time keeping up with her to listen to her heartbeat on the doppler which was amusing to me!
He measured my belly for the first time and said it was "good", but I didn't get an actual measurement. I really need to start asking, because they just don't volunteer numbers and information! They don't understand that I need to KNOW!! :) Same with my b/p she didn't say anything so I am assuming it was a good number.
I was scheduled to come back in 3 weeks for my glucose tolerance screening, oh what fun! That will be good to get over with though. Then I go bi-weekly after that as we'll be in the third trimester by then - WOW!!
Time flies when you're having fun, to say the least! In about 2.5 more months I'll start getting my bag packed and prepared, and we should have all the paperwork done and filed by then and then we'll be waiting to see when she decides to arrive! I had a dream, for the first time, about delivery last night. It was cool! It was a very happy and peaceful dream, I have nothing but positive feelings and thoughts about her upcoming arrival, and nothing but excitement about seeing her in her mommy and daddy's arms for the first time!! It makes me grin just to think about it!!
That's all for now I guess, other than an occassional evil leg cramp, and a few extra hard kicks and thumps from the baby which make me wince I have nothing to even comment on! I'll be back next month (if not sooner) with our next updates!!
He measured my belly for the first time and said it was "good", but I didn't get an actual measurement. I really need to start asking, because they just don't volunteer numbers and information! They don't understand that I need to KNOW!! :) Same with my b/p she didn't say anything so I am assuming it was a good number.

Time flies when you're having fun, to say the least! In about 2.5 more months I'll start getting my bag packed and prepared, and we should have all the paperwork done and filed by then and then we'll be waiting to see when she decides to arrive! I had a dream, for the first time, about delivery last night. It was cool! It was a very happy and peaceful dream, I have nothing but positive feelings and thoughts about her upcoming arrival, and nothing but excitement about seeing her in her mommy and daddy's arms for the first time!! It makes me grin just to think about it!!
That's all for now I guess, other than an occassional evil leg cramp, and a few extra hard kicks and thumps from the baby which make me wince I have nothing to even comment on! I'll be back next month (if not sooner) with our next updates!!
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