A Thank You - The Liebster Blog Award!

Thank you to Darshan at "Journey to Surrogacy" who nominated me for a "Liebster Award"! Darshan just recently delivered a beautiful little girl via Gestational Surrogacy for her IPs and I love her honest and open blog posts!

The Liebster Blog Award is an award for bloggers with less than 200 followers who deserve more recognition.

Liebster is a German word that means ā€˜dearestā€™ or ā€˜belovedā€™, but can also meanā€˜favoriteā€™. The idea of the award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers.

The Award comes with a few rules. Youā€™re supposed to:

Ā·         Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them

Ā·         Reveal your top 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog

Ā·         Post the award on your blog

Ā·         Bask in the love from the most supportive people in the blogosphere ā€“ other bloggers

Ā·         Hope your recipients pass the award to their 5 favorite blogs to keep the love flowing.

So my 5 picks for the Liebster Award are:
  1. Tonya at Our journey to build our family through IVF and Surrogacy: http://babydreams2011.blogspot.com/ Tonya is a WONDERFUL woman - funny, intelligent, very warm hearted and she has been openly sharing her experience as an Intended Mother in the great big world of gestational surrogacy!
  2. Sara at This Mom Has Tattoos: http://thismomhastattoos.blogspot.com/ Follow along on Sara's Gestational Surrogacy journey!
  3. Christine at Christine's Cuisine Culinary Aventures in my Kitchen: http://christines-cuisine.blogspot.com/ I love the great photos and recipes Christine shares!
  4. Joanna at Drizzle of Sunshine: http://drizzleofsunshine.blogspot.com/ I love the photos Joanna posts and her fantabulous posts all about her adventures in fitness, food, work and LIFE! :)
  5. Kelli at Special Delivery: http://3j2k.blogspot.com/ Kelli is a WONDERFUL woman who has given her all to try to help her IF's become daddies and has had some pretty big set backs and complications in the past month and a half but always seems to maintain her poise and grace as she looks forward to the future. She is an inspiration!
So I hope you might check out these fantastic bloggers if you have a chance and thank you again to Darshan for the nomination! :)


  1. So sweet! Thanks so much for putting me on your list. I appreciate it.


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