T&I are the proud expectant parents of a....
Beautiful baby GIRL!! :)
The weird news is that they found a second sac with some fluid in it. The peri was a bit puzzled by it, but doesn't seem concerned. His guess is that we've had a blighted ovum all along which has been in there long enough to actually accumulate a little fluid. I guess it will be interesting to see if its still there, or if its changed at all, at my next ultrasound in one month for the fetal echo.
The ultrasound went great - she was a total wiggle worm and was all over the place (and as I'd suspected from the pain in my stomach yesterday has flipped vertically across my abdomen with her back out). The tech took lots of measurements of her head, her stomach, looked closely at her heart, counted the bones in her pinky finger, identified her kidneys, looked at her brain. It was incredible! I sent my IPs the video and pictures today. My IM did get to be on the phone to hear the U/S tech say "It's a GIRL!!" and then my phone cut out! I of course called her back and went over everything with her afterwards!
She is weighing in at 12 ounces (which is great) and measuring right at 20 weeks; everything is going great!!

Hopefully my OB will call back in a moment with my lab results - I need to know if I should order more suppositories or not! (Let's hope the answer is "no"!) :)
Well, they did just call back and the numbers are great! Much higher:
Progesterone: 57.9
Estradiol: 5,700
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