Your pregnancy: 18 weeks
"Head to rump, your baby is approximately 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs ā movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, although he may hide them from you during an ultrasound. "
Nothing too much to report. Things have been busy at work and keeping me running and I am glad it's Friday! I'm very ready for a nice weekend off. The weather has been so pretty and I'm looking forward to enjoying some of the sunshine up close and personal as opposed to behind a big pane of glass as I do during the work week! :) Baby "S" has been pretty active lately - but she has quiet spells mainly during the day and then it seems to pick up in the evenings and I usually feel her when I wake up in the middle of the night! I've had some cramps lately, off and on - not sure why or what they mean but I always assume I should drink more liquid if I'm cramping so I've been trying to push water, water, water!!
I'm really tired today... I'm thankful I get to leave a little early and relax at home this afternoon! Yesterday when I got home I decided I wanted home made lasagna. I stopped at Publix on my way home for french bread, cottage cheese, fresh mushrooms and mozzarella and I had a great time fixing a big pan of lasagna for dinner. I haven't made one in forever and I didn't even use my recipe book - I remembered it (it's a pretty simple recipe) and I tweaked it to make it the way I wanted anyway. It came out GREAT!! I served it with garlic cheesy french bread and it was delicious. Kenneth had 2 big helpings and I finished my plate off too. Home made dinner is good stuff! I love to cook, and it made me happy to get to play in the kitchen some last night.

So here's my 18 week belly picture! Not too different from 16 weeks - though I'm always shocked when I look at the picture and think MAN I look smaller in this picture then I feel like I do in person!!! It never makes sense to me! I feel so much bigger in person than I think I actually look in a photo... I'm sure it won't be too much longer before I think I look plenty big in pictures too! :)
Ok, off to finish my day and then go home and REST!! :)
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