
Just another quick pop in! My chart is showing possible ovulation, today would be 5dpo, my temp has steadily climbed the last 5 days, reaching over 98.0 as of yesterday, and still higher today... not sure what to think about that! If I did finally "o" I am happy! I have been SO crampy leading up to the last couple days, and still having some twinges (like right now as I type), but they really seem a lot better all of a sudden. I am hoping the next couple days confirm higher temps and ovulation (and I've been checking in the PM too, and my temp is elevated then as well, which is usually a fairly "sure sign" from my body that progesterone is running rampant). So, if I did then we have a little less then 10 days until my cycle starts and we're off like a herd of turtles for our March IUI!! WOO HOO!! :D That would put us right around March 21st if the metforming gets me back on track and we have a normal 14-15 days until ovulation (instead of 30+ like the last 2 months, ugh)!

Here's what it looks like today:

I can't believe after Saturday MARCH will really be here - I'm so excited!! I can't wait to count down to our IUI!! YAY!!


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