Minor Delay!

Well, my lining was at a 7.6mm with the triple stripe, and a little fluid at the very top, my estradiol was 1,177 if I remember correctly. When Cooper called back at 5:15pm they said that it wasn't quite thick enough, they want it at an 8mm; so I increased my estrace by 1 additional pill and will go for a recheck on Saturday.

IM and I had a wonderful talk last night, and she went in to more detail about their long journey to get to this point in their surrogacy pursuit, and how it had all started with a recurring dream of her little girl asking to be born... It was really touching to me, and I had such a sense of peace after we hung up about things happening for a reason, and when the timing is right things will fall into place!!

So, Ruth will be here tonight, I should have a blood and u/s tomorrow at RBA, and hopefully all will be well, and we'll head out on Tuesday instead!


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