14 Years Ago...

I stood on the pier of Lagoon II in Senegal West Africa and pledged the rest of my days to the man I love.

It was a beautiful day! A little breezy but a perfect blue sky and the temperature was just right. I remember how anxious I was - the whole morning was such a whirlwind and I was so happy and so excited that it was finally time and that our family was there giving us their love and support. I keep thinking of how differently it could have gone for us, and the more I think about it the more grateful I am for our amazing parents who somehow found the strength to let us make that leap, despite all the worries they must have had.


14 years ago I married a boy I had fallen head over heels in love with, and today I am so thankful that I did. We have been through so much over the years, highs and lows and everything in between. We have made a life together, and that life has been built on love. That giddy, silly, highschool puppy love from all those years ago is the same love I still feel now - it is just bigger and stronger than it was then, not just love full of hopes and dreams, but love full of hopes, dreams and so many memories and experiences too. We had no idea what we were signing up for all those years ago, and there are some things I do wish I could change, but they have made us who were are, as individuals and as a couple so I am thankful for all of it and am so excited that I have the rest of my life to share with this man who is my partner, my best friend, the father of my child, my protector and provider - my husband.


  1. Awww, I love it...congratulations on 14 wonderful years! :-)

  2. That is beautiful! Thanks for sharing all the photos too!

  3. This is great. It's true that whatever you have gone through - good and bad - make you who you are. I love it when people recognize that. And your commitment and love for your husband is inspiring. It makes me want to run out and get married today.

  4. Thanks for sharing all the images too!Thanks for sharing such kind of nice and wonderful collection


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