Fudge Cake with Cherries #thecakeslicebakers

Each month The Cake Slice Bakers are offered a selection of cakes from the current book we are baking through. This year it is Little Everyday Cakes by Candace Floyd. We each choose one cake to bake, and then on the 20th - never before - we all post about our cake on our blogs. There are a few rules that we follow, but the most important ones are to have fun and enjoy baking & eating cakes!

Follow our FacebookInstagram, and Pinterest pages where you can find all of our cakes, as well as inspiration for many other cakes. You can also click on the thumbnail pictures below to take you to each of our cakes. If you have a blog and are interested in joining The Cake Slice Bakers and baking along with us, please send an email to thecakeslicebakers at gmail dot com for more details.

The Cake Slice Bakers also have a new Facebook group called The Cake Slice Bakers and Friends. This group is perfect for those who do not have a blog but want to join in the fun and bake through this book.

It is a new year and a new book - Little Everyday Cakes - and our choices for July 2021 were ~ 

Blackberry-Almond Upside Down Cake
Vanilla Sponge with Pineapple Filling and Caramel Frosting

Fudge Cake with Cherries & Pecans

For me this totally came out as a gooey butter cake! It wasn't heavy on the chocolate flavor, but was just sinfully gooey and rich - but crisped all the way around the tops and edges! It would be the perfect cake to serve warm scooped into a bowl and smothered with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!

I chose to omit the nuts since I have no fans of them in my house. Sigh. They would have been a lovely addition for some crunch since everything else is so soft with this cake! 

Fudge Cake with Cherries

1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 ounces milk or unsweetened chocolate
1 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup sifted all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs, room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup chopped pecans (optional)
1/2 cup dried cherries, halved (or rough chopped)
Confectioner's sugar for dusting (optional)

  1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees and spray an 8" square baking pan with nonstick cooking spray and set aside.
  2. In a medium saucepan over low heat combine the butter, chocolate, and sugar and stir regularly until mixture melts together and is smooth. Keep heat very low.
  3. Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the sifted flour, baking powder, and salt until blended in (it will make a thick doughy batter).
  4. Stir in the eggs and vanilla until blended in. Batter will be sticky and smooth (it reminded me of loose caramel at this stage).
  5. Stir in the chopped cherries and nuts if using, and scrape batter into the prepared baking dish.
  6. Bake for 25-30 minutes until edges appear dry and are beginning to pull away from the sides. The middle, when tested with a toothpick, should be mostly clean (no wet batter, but sticky crumbs are ok).
  7. Cool, dust with confectioner's sugar if you'd like and serve either scooped straight out into bowls with ice cream, or cut into pieces. My cake was very sticky and soft, so make sure you use something like a metal spatula to carefully remove slices! 


  1. This looks buttery and gooey. Rebekah. For some reason I didn't "see" this option in the list. I guess I stopped reading at blackberry. But I will give it a try.

  2. My goodness but we are always on the same page. Your cake is lovely Rebekah.

  3. Great minds! It definitely was a gooey cake!

  4. Sounds great - chocolate, cherries, gooey, yum!

  5. I love an ooey gooey butter and this is definitely worth the caloric splurge.

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  9. Because no one in my house likes nuts, I decided to leave them out. Sigh. They would have been a great addition for some crunch, especially since the rest of the cake is very soft!

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